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South Quay Plaza is being developed by Berkeley. The buildings have been designed by architects Fosters & Partners.

South Quay Plaza is a new residential-led development in to the south of Canary Wharf, comprising of three tower buildings, Valiant (SPQ1), Berwick (SPQ2) and Hampton (SPQ4 – a separate planning application). When complete, the development will contain new homes, retail space, cafes and restaurants.

Both the planning policy context and the context of the height of surrounding buildings has changed dramatically since planning permission was granted in 2015. Increasing the height of SQP2 will deliver 45 new homes, including nine social rented homes.

This website provides information about the proposed changes, along with a feedback form. This has been advertised using a flyer posted to neighbouring homes and businesses. A phone number and email address is available for people with limited access to the internet to call to request consultation materials. We will also be offering engagement with local ward councillors and local community groups in the surrounding areas of Canary Wharf and the Isle of Dogs.

The proposals will increase the height of the Berwick tower by five storeys. Therefore, the building will be 41 storeys tall.

With the additional floors, there will be 45 new homes, including nine affordable rented homes and five intermediate homes. This is 35% affordable housing as a proportion of the uplift in new homes. This will bring the total of new homes to 306 homes in SQP2, of which 119 will be at affordable/social rent.

The construction will commence in 2023, for completion estimated in 2027.

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